Christmas 2023
We have our Carol Service on Sunday 17th December at 3.30pm.
Come along for traditional carols and readings followed by soup and mince pies. All welcome!
Please note that this is instead of our usual morning service this week.
On Christmas Day we have a friendly family service from 10am – 10.45am. Why not start your Christmas Day by joining us?
Please note, there will be no Sunday service on Sunday 24th December.
We also have a Christmas Season Family Service at 10.30am on Sunday 31st December. Too busy to come to anything before then? You’d be welcome to come and worship with us!
Carols by Candlelight
The church was packed on Sunday 18th December for our annual carols by candlelight. Bible readings took us all through the story of Christmas, with readings from members of the junior church and congregation. It was great to sing some traditional carols and to enjoy the flickering of candles to create a Christmassy atmosphere! Mince pies with teas, coffees and juice and lots of chat about what Christmas means to us all finished off the event. Thank you to everyone who came and a Happy Christmas from the church to all in Syston!
Children’s Nativity
We enjoyed a fabulous nativity service on Sunday 11th December, with the children from the Junior Church performing songs and drama to tell the Christmas story. The church was packed to hear the children give their readings, say their lines and sing with gusto! The wise men even wore sunglasses as the star was so dazzling! The service was followed by mince pies and refreshments with games for the children and everyone enjoyed the festive decorations in the main church and hall. Well done kids – you were amazing!
Christmas Social
We all had a fab time at our Christmas Social on Tuesday 6th December – a battle of skittles, followed by slap-up sausage and chips! Young and old chucked their cheeses with enthusiasm and it has to be said that the ladies outplayed the gents! We enjoyed good chat and fellowship afterwards and the food was really excellent as everyone shared stories and looked forward to Christmas. Thanks to the Horse and Groom in Queniborough for hosting the event. Look out for more church socials in the new year!
Open Church
The church was open on Saturday 3rd December as part of the switch on of Syston lights. As well as the turning on of the church lights – an exciting first – there was also the chance for children to take part in a nativ
ity dress-up and play with a huge box of sticklebricks! Flood loads of tea and coffee were on tap, alongside plenty of mince pies for all to enjoy. (Thanks Tescos!)
We hope everyone likes the new church lights and that they bring a bit of Christmas cheer to all who see them. If you’d like to find out more about how Christians celebrate Christmas and why it is important to us, do pop along to one of our friendly services – there’s lots to choose from! Our next event is the Children’s nativity service on Sunday 11th December at 10.30am.
Bring and share lunch
Thanks to everyone for their lovely food that we enjoyed on Sunday 29th November. It was good to enjoy being together and sharing stories and encouragements! The children in particular seemed to enjoy the fare on offer. Where do they put it all?! Look out for the next bring and share lunch on January 29th 2017 – guests are always welcome!
Shoe Boxes
We were delighted to be able to send eight shoe boxes to the Samaritans Purse appeal this year. Thank you to everyone who put one together! These shoe boxes provide a way to make sure that children receive a Christmas gift who may not otherwise have any presents this Christmas.
Cafe Church
It’s like church in a cafe! Cafe Church was held on 6th November in the church’s hall. We enjoyed refreshments including doughnuts and cakes to begin, followed by a half-hour time together looking a the story of the prodigal son. There were dramas, action stories for all to join in with, crafts, a couple of favourite hymns and a magic trick with a simple message about what it means to be a Christian.
Look out for another cafe church in the Spring. In the meantime, if you want to see what cafe church sounds like, as well as what it looks like, click the audio link below for a 5 minute excerpt!
Coffee morning
Our coffee morning on Saturday 29th October was a real success – thank you to everyone who came along.
We shared some delcious cakes, slurped our tea and coffee and enjoyed chatting together. Outside the children played games and we raised £30 for the Samaritan’s Purse appeal for Haiti following the hurricane there.
If you enjoyed it, don’t forget about cafe church next week – church in a cafe style, also in our back room!
To find out more about the Samaritan’s Purse appeal for Haiti, click here.